Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Life as a leaf

The video has a leaf traviling a river while the singer sings. Just like a leaf on a tree we begin our life somewhere. The leaf starts falling into the river where like Eliades speaks of the cleans. A form of rebirth or a new start comes from starting new with a clens like a water baptism. The leaf is in the water being clensed and then it travels onto the tree wich is home to the leaf. The leaf belongs on the tree that is home just as it is to all leafs; to us we are on earth living but then we end our life and to some heaven is earth and others have another idea of after life. And then the tree is dead at night but when the sun rises for a new day the tree is young and full of life (full of leafs on its branches). The leaf goes through a whole life and its process with in the video. Every state the leaf goes through Eliades mentions it; birth, clens, home.

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